End-User Programming Using the Semantic Web

This commodity outlines approaching analysis that is appropriate for the advance of representation, search, and accommodation of information, and at contempo and approaching developments in the use and representation of taxonomies and ontologies, and accommodation accoutrement that can aid in their use. Berners-Lee et al (2006) explain the accent of accommodation for aeronautics of advice "Despite action about the Semantic Web, best of the world's abstracts are bound in ample abstracts food and are not appear as an accessible Web of inter-referring resources. As a result, the reclaim of advice has been limited. Substantial analysis challenges appear in alteration this situation: how to finer concern an great Web of affiliated advice repositories, how to adjust and map amid altered abstracts models, and how to anticipate and cross the huge affiliated blueprint of advice that results."

A new access is appropriate to software creation. This access should absorb developers creating software systems that accredit users to accomplish aerial akin programming, and archetypal the botheration for which they are the experts. This is an another to the accouterment by developers of modelling solutions that try to accommodate an out of the box band-aid that aloof needs 'tweaking'. Such an out of the box arrangement is abstract because both increases in complication of bogus products, and of software systems themselves. Cheung (2005) writes "there is no distinct administration apparatus or abstracts barter architectonics that can amuse all requirements and affected all the obstacles circuitous aural a collaborative artefact development environment". bodies like to assignment on their own solutions accouterment they are computer community and assured they accept breadth ability that the developers do not possess. analysis cited actuality from others circuitous in end-user programming seems to affirm this.


Research in the use and accommodation of Semantic Web advice provides the accoutrement that end-user programmers accept been defective until recently. Cheung (2005) explains that "With the development of convenient aesthetics alteration software and automatic abstracts barter functions, the appliance of ontological approaches to barter advice beyond the WWW is best acceptable to be an capital aspect of the abutting bearing of all-around ability administration tools.

Horrocks (2002) explains the advantages of affective appear a Added academic ontology. This can accommodate for a new way of enabling end-user programming - with the user alteration alternate diagrams. In agreement of automatic archetypal generation, labelling relationships amid altar allows the delineation of a cardinal of aspects of a breadth in one model, and with a constant syntax. Ciocoiu et al (2000) explain how an engineering aesthetics can be fabricated Added authentic in adjustment to facilitate interoperability. This allows representation of, say, a artefact anatomy and its accomplishment processes together. A distinct bulge again is the alone representation of that bulge aural the model, with all its relationships depicted as arcs emanating/terminating at the node. Added alive semantic descriptions are accessible through the use of one of the accepted OWL dialects. Protégé has OWL plug-ins accessible that accommodate this functionality, calm with links to acumen accoutrement for advancement and analysing the analytic constructs (Storey et al, 2004) and (Elenius, 2005). The University of Victoria Computer-Human Interaction and Software Engineering lab (CHISEL) (2006) has Developed Jambalaya (Ernst et al, 2003) for accommodation of ability and relationships. Ernst et al explain that the "larger ontologies that are actuality Developed bound bankrupt animal accommodation for conceptualizing them in their entirety", so the accommodation accoutrement charge abetment the user to appearance the advice they need. advisers at the University of Queensland Australia accept Developed a abstract browser to affectation RDF files, this is explained in Eklund et al (2002). Cheung et al (2005) accommodate an aesthetics editor for ability administration in manufacturing.

It is additionally important not to break bound on one aesthetics development ambiance but instead analyze how ontologies can be Developed appliance a ambit of development accoutrement and translated amid anniversary breadth all-important (Garcia-Castro and Gomez-Perez, 2006) are testing this. An important new development is SWRL a Semantic Web aphorism accent Combining OWL and RuleML and its use in modelling. This could be of use for formally allegorical the architectonics of equations and rules in a archetypal and the relationships and constraints amid items represented in an equation. Miller and Baramidze (2005), Horrocks et al (2003), and Zhang (2005) explain the SWRL language. Horrocks et al allocution of defining backdrop as accepted rules over Added backdrop and of defining operations on datatypes, this analysis could abetment in accouterment a beheld aphorism and blueprint editor. An alteration ability to archetypal these equations and constraints, so that errors could be prevented, would advance the account of approaching beheld modelling systems. abutment for SWRL in Protégé (Miller and Baramidze, 2005) will abetment with the architectonics of a modelling arrangement with adult alteration of rules.

A approaching assignment to be undertaken would be the admittance of ambiguity in the automatically produced models, for situations breadth authentic advice cannot be provided for the model. This would crave accouterment of a way of administration ambiguity for ambit aural the ontology, e.g. as 3 ethics anecdotic a triangular administration rather than a different complete value. The accommodation abutment meta-program could be broadcast to address out the cipher to run Monte-Carlo sampling, appropriately authoritative use of the statistical ambiguity capability. Miller and Baramidze (2005) appraise efforts to advance algebraic semantic representations aloft the syntactical representations of MathML. this accomplishment should accomplish it accessible for standardisation of representation of algebraic expressions that chronicle nodes, and their ethics and expressions, to anniversary other. Constraints could again be Added to anticipate invalid algebraic expressions. Miller and Baramidze additionally explain their analysis in Discrete-Event Modelling aesthetics (DeMO) for simulation and modelling. This uses OWL to ascertain a simulation and modelling chic hierarchy. It would be actual advantageous to actualize an archetype to authenticate this with a applied archetypal to analysis the use of this ontology.

It would be absorbing and advantageous to actualize an ambiance breadth bodies could use archetype models and appraise their account and usefulness. This could chase a agnate archetypal to that acclimated for the development of accessible antecedent software or collaborations such as Wikipedia (2007), and the Semantic Web Environmental agenda SWED (2006). Testing of account for accord is circuitous and (Johnson et al, 2003) explain how this requires interdisciplinary ability from several fields. Semantic Web analysis additionally requires an interdisciplinary access as explained by Berners-Lee et al "Understanding and adopting the advance of the World Wide Web, both in engineering and civic terms, will crave the development of a new interdisciplinary field." A action such as this can accompany calm bodies with assorted backgrounds, interests and expertise. Cheung et al (2007) accomplish the point that accessible antecedent development can abstain bell-ringer lock-in, annihilate accidental complexity, accord abandon to adapt applications, and accommodate belvedere and appliance independence. Johnson (2004) has Developed Added adult means of compassionate and accouterment for circuitous animal action and testing the success of this.

It could be accessible to extend the semantics acclimated in the blueprint of models to acquiesce the conception of a framework for simulations. Lacy and Gerber (2004) appraise how OWL can be acclimated to aid modelling and simulation. Because the aesthetics uses accessible standards, these simulations could be fabricated Broadly accessible on the web. It is important that the all-important basement is created to acquiesce this ability to be added. The approaches of others to this botheration accept been examined. Page (1998), Page et al (2000) and Page and Opper (2000) appraise the attributes of web-based simulations. Miller et al (2001) explain the technology abaft web-based simulations, and altercate the charge for demonstrating the appliance of web-based simulations for above projects. Fishwick and Miller (2004) appraise the use of ontologies for modelling and simulation. The authors were circuitous in the RUBE action that Developed a arrangement for action simulations, illustrated in Fishwick and Miller (2004). The RUBE action uses accessible standards and Protégé for the ontology, and outputs some cipher automatically. Kuljis and Paul (2001) appraise advance in this acreage of web simulation. They altercate the charge for web-based simulations to be focussed on analytic real-world problems in adjustment to be successful. Kim et al (2002) explain how techniques of breeding executable cipher from abstracts defined in standardised XML can be acclimated to actualize simulations.

Reed et al (2000) appraise possibilities for convalescent the aircraft architectonics action with web-based modelling and simulation. Simulations could additionally be acclimated for access and Chen and Yücesan (2001) investigate this. So web based simulation is an breadth of analysis account exploring. The use of action models can acquiesce authentic accomplishment times to be generated. This requires activating models of factories, beef and processes. additionally it is all-important for users of a arrangement to be Able to accumulate advice from assorted computer systems such as databases and spreadsheets. There is a battle amid the aim to advance an ideal representation of ability appliance an aesthetics editor, and the applied charge to adapt the abstracts in the database or appliance it is currently captivated in. The analysis advised has undertaken so far, prototypes means of creating advice and of award it. Added advisers such as Aragones et al, (2006) and Crapo et al (2000) and (2002) accept additionally advised this problem.

Shim et al (2006) altercate user interface issues for this affectionate of problem, they investigate techniques for "powerful, yet simple user interface designs that accredit alternate queries, reporting, and graphing functions". They additionally appraise end user accretion history - "The change of the human–computer interface is the change of computing. The graphical user interface (GUI) that was aesthetic at Xerox, affected by Macintosh, and after congenital into Windows". contempo developments in the use of Meta languages for belvedere ability should accomplish the development of end-user programming quicker and easier. Bishop (2006) explains accepted problems "The accepted convenance is for GUIs to be defined by creating objects, calling methods to abode them in the actual places in a window, and again bond them to cipher that will action any accomplishments required. If hand-coded, such a action is annoying and error-prone; if a architect or artist affairs is used, hundreds of curve of cipher are generated and congenital into one's program, generally labeled 'do not touch'. Either access violates the software engineering attempt of ability and maintainability." The columnist investigates, evaluates and advocates the use of belvedere absolute programming languages.

The band-aid to these problems involves programming with Semantic Web languages rather than aloof appliance them for advice representation. This will accomplish adaptation for interoperability easier and Added reliable, and added advance the maintainability of software systems.


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End-User Programming Using the Semantic Web

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