Create a Free Ministry Website Tonight in 8 Easy Steps

Are you a Women's admiral Leader who would like to accept a website for your group, but don't accept the money or programming abilities to body one? This commodity will advice you set up your own website in beneath than four hours, including your own website address, for beneath .

The adorableness of this authentic arrangement is that it is free, attainable and acquiescent by alike the best web-phobic person, and it can calmly be chip into any added website at a after date. (So, if your abbey eventually builds its own site, you could accept this be a accessory of that site.)


Your ideal website will be accessible to admission via a different URL (Unique Resource Locator - your own website address), accessible to cross (so users can bound acquisition what they need), and accessible to maintain.

A BLOG fits this description perfectly. If you were to pay accession to actualize a armpit like the one I am activity to call below, you could calmly absorb 00. But there are dozens of chargeless casework accessible to you appropriate now.

A blog is accessible to set up, as it allows you to accept from dozens of folio designs, one of which will carefully reflect your ministry's personality. In addition, your blog will accommodate the adeptness for you to column accepted and approaching advice (while application a almanac of all accomplished entries), in an easy-to-access format, as able-bodied to accommodate capacity about authentic ministries and agents profiles. All of this advice iseasily searched application the congenital chase tool, which is provided as allotment of the chargeless hosting service.

Getting Started

By afterward these eight, accessible steps, you can go from brand-new-idea to ready-to-post website, yet tonight.

1. baddest Your Blog's Name. It is analytical that both your blog appellation and your URL (Unique Reference Locator, or website address) bout your group's name. For example, if your accumulation is alleged "Women of the Word," you would chase a armpit like DomainsBot for that name. However, you would decrease the spaces so it would read: womenoftheword. In a amount of seconds, you could apperceive if the ".org" adaptation of your name is available. If your name is not available, accede application an abridgement or abacus your burghal or abbey name at the alpha of the string. baddest the easiest, yet best accurate, website abode accessible to you.

2. annals your area name. You could absorb hours researching which area allotment aggregation to use, or you could use the one I recommend: GoDaddy. They accept abundant chump annual and the amount to annals your website URL is beneath /year.

3. Open a blog account. Again, there are dozens of abundant options for chargeless blog accounts, but I'll save you the time of accomplishing all that analysis by advising WordPress.

4. actualize your blog. Your aboriginal assignment will be to accept from dozens of blueprint templates. Browse your options until you acquisition one that "feels" about appropriate for now. There is no charge to baddest perfectly, because, thankfully, you are accustomed to change templates anytime. aloof aces one that you array of like and accumulate working. You can consistently change it later.

5. Set up your categories. A class is like a book folder: It is an accessible way for you to array and chase for authentic types of information. Mercifully, blogs acquiesce you to actualize categories and sub-categories. So, you adeptness accept a class called, "Calendar" with subcategories for anniversary ages of the year. addition class may be "About Us" including subcategories by the name of anniversary admiral coordinator or volunteer. The sky is the limit, and, already again, the arrangement is actual forgiving: If you appetite to "re-categorize" a column later, or add a new class altogether, it is accessible to do! Best of all, anytime you add a new blog post, you artlessly bang analysis boxes to "put it into" as abounding categories as you wish, which makes analytic for the advice actual accessible for your users.

6. Point the URL to the blog. There is a admirable affection alleged "URL forwarding" which causes an airy redirection of any armpit to another. By application this opportunity, anyone who types in your URL will be taken, invisibly, to the capital folio of your WM blog. This is far aloft to application the continued and ambagious abode Assigned to you by the blog hosting service. And, by purchasing your URL (in footfall 2 above) from GoDaddy or any added acclaimed source, you acquired admission to chump annual abutment in case you charge abetment while authoritative this accessory abuse to your account.

7. Enter the agreeable currently on hand. You may be tempted to try to add all sorts of actual abstracts and to accept the blog armpit "perfect" afore you go public, but I animate you to add aloof one simple, acceptable message, and again to body it from there.

There is a Biblical arch that applies here: Remember back God was speaking to Moses and said, "What's that you accept in your hand?" Moses said, "It's aloof a staff."

Just now you accept the adeptness to add a acceptable bulletin and to get this affair going. If you alpha with that, and add aloof one or two posts a week, your armpit will accept 50-100 posts in beneath than a year. It adds up fast and is accessible back you go with the breeze and aloof use "what you accept in your hand" at the time.

8. Update your email list. My own acquaintance indicates that alone a atom of those absorbed in afterward your blog will absolutely "subscribe" to it via RSS feed. best bodies do not accept the internet adeptness to understand, abundant beneath use, the cable options. Assuming this, be abiding to accelerate out an email bulletin to your absolute accumulation anniversary time you add an important column to your site. consistently use the blog column appellation as your "Subject" band and be abiding to accommodate the articulation to the website. Be accurate not to accelerate notices about every little abuse - aloof let them apperceive about the Bigger stuff.

A blog is absolutely an ideal "first" footfall for any accumulation who wants a web attendance but has little banking or web programming assets on hand: It can be free, customized, categorized, searched, and managed calmly by alike the best nontechnical user. It allows you to add text, photos and links, and accommodate a way for your guests to collaborate with you online via the animadversion boxes beneath anniversary entry.

So, what are you cat-and-mouse for? Go actualize your new Women's admiral website tonight!

Create a Free Ministry Website Tonight in 8 Easy Steps

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